@InProceedings{OULEDABDALLAH-2010-579129, Author = {Ouled Abdallah, Nesrine and Hadj Kacem, Hatem and Mosbah, Mohamed and Zemmari, Akka}, Title = {Broadcast in wireless mobile sensor networks with population protocols and extension with the rendezvous model}, BookTitle = {NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition}, editor = {Drira, Khalil and Hadj Kacem, Ahmed and Jmaiel, Mohamed}, Pages = {219--226}, Series = {IEEE}, Address = {Tozeur, Tunisie}, Month = {August}, Year = {2010} } @article{ouledabdallah:hal-00806181, Author = {Ouled Abdallah, Nesrine and Hadj Kacem, Hatem and Mosbah, Mohamed and Zemmari, Akka}, Title = {{Randomized broadcasting in wireless mobile sensor networks}}, Journal = {Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience}, Volume = {25}, Number = {2}, Pages = {203--217}, Month = {February}, Year = {2013} }